Given Name Last Name Affiliation Lecture Title
Tristan C. Collins University of Toronto/ Massachusetts Institute of Technology Stability of the tangent bundle through conifold transitions
Yi-Jen Lee Chinese University of Hong Kong TQFT in Seiberg-Witten and Heegaard Floer theories
Francesco Lin Columbia University Floer theory and the geometry of hyperbolic $3$-manifolds
Junliang Shen Yale University Geometry of the P=W conjecture and beyond
Hong Wang NYU Courant Falconer distance set problem in the plane
Xiaoheng Wang University of Waterloo The density of polynomials with squarefree discriminant
Lei Yang National University of Singapore Khitchine's theorem on manifolds
Given Name Last Name Affiliation Lecture Title
Huanchen Bao National University of Singapore Acyclic matchings on Bruhat intervals and totally nonnegative Springer fibres
Caucher Birkar Tsinghua University Birational geometry and physics
Yalong Cao Morningside Center of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Towards a complexification of Donaldson-Witten TQFT
Huai-Dong Cao Lehigh University Geometry of Ricci solitons
Raymond Honfu Chan Lingnan University Selecting Regularization Parameters for Minimization Problems in Imaging
Shu-Cheng Chang Chongqing University of Technology and National Taiwan University Tangent Cone Structure, Rigidity Theorem and Uniformization Conjecture in A Complete Noncompact Sasakian Manifold
Zhangxing Chen Eastern Institute of Technology, Ningbo/University of Calgary Multiphase Flow in Porous Media: Theoretical, Numerical and AI Big Models
Wei Cheng Nanjing University Generalized gradient flows and propagation of singularities
Chongqing Cheng Nanjing University Why and how to study the Ma\~n\'e conjecture
Fusheng Deng University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Residual Monge-Ampere measure of plurisubharmonic functions and the zero mass conjecture
XiaoTie Deng Center on Frontiers of Computing Studies, Peking University Leveraging Symbolic AI for Advancing Approximate Nash Equilibria Algorithms
Hongjie Dong Brown University Elliptic equations arising in conductivity problems
Chuck Doran University of Alberta Fibration and Degeneration in Calabi-Yau Geometry
Kenji Fukaya Tsinghua University Some works in Progress on Atiyah-Floer conjecture
David Gabai Princeton University Volumes of hyperbolic 3-manifolds
Christopher Hacon University of Utah On the minimal model program for Kahler varieties
Gerhard Huisken Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach Richard Hamilton and Geometric evolution equations
Xin Jin Boston College A wildly ramified Betti Geometric Langlands correspondence
Siu-Cheong Lau Boston University SYZ mirror symmetry, gauge theory and Teleman's conjecture
Dong Li The University of Hong Kong TBD
Hanfeng Li State University of New York at Buffalo Local entropy theory for induced actions on probability measure spaces
Zi-Wen Liu YMSC, Tsinghua University Approximate quantum error-correcting codes: bridging quantum information, complexity, and physics from low to high energy
Kefeng Liu SIMIS
Tianwen LUO School of Mathematical Sciences, South China Normal University On multi-dimensional rarefaction waves
Xinan Ma University of Sciences and Technology of China Rigidity result for semilinear subelliptic partial differential equation on Cauchy-Riemannian manifold.
David Nadler University of California at Berkeley Arborealization of polarized Weinstein manifolds
Michael Kwok-Po NG Hong Kong Baptist University Tensor Representations in Data Science
Lei Ni University of California, San Diego and Zhejiang Normal University Lie groups in geometry
Andrei Okounkov Columbia University The Eisenstein spectrum
Yuval Peres BIMSA Dynamical percolation in Euclidean lattices
Nicolai Reshetikhin Tsinghua University On the structure of hybrid quantum systems
Christophe Soulé Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques Arakelov geometry
Song Sun IASM, Zhejiang University Kahler-Ricci shrinkers and Fano fibrations
Ye TIAN AMSS Non-vanishing of L-values
ULRIKE TILLMANN University of Cambridge and University of Oxford A Renaissance of the Algebraic Topology of Manifolds
Guozhen Wang mathematics at Shanghai Center for Mathematical Sciences, Fudan University. The last Kervaire invariant problem
W. Hugh Woodin Harvard University Strongly compact cardinals and universally Baire sets
Jinsong Wu Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications Quantum Fourier Analysis and Phase Transition
Rongling Wu BIMSA Statistical learning of stochastic complex systems via the Yau-Yau nonlinear filter
Jie Yang University of Illinois at Chicago Statistical Models for Categorical Data Analysis
Xiaokui Yang YMSC The geometry and analysis on RC-positivity.
Zhigang Yao National University of Singapore Interaction of Statistics and Geometry: A New Landscape for Data Science
Jiangong You Chern Institute of Mathematics, Nankai University Cantor spectrum problem of quasi-periodic Schr\"odinger operators
Yue Yu Lehigh University Learning Nonlocal Neural Operators
Fangyang Zheng Chongqing Normal University Bismut torsion parallel metrics on homogeneous manifolds
Yongchang Zhu The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Beta-Gamma Systems, Modular Kernels, and Fourier Interpolation
Xiping Zhu Sun Yat-sen University The Ricci Flow and the Classification of Manifolds with Positive Curvature
Huaiqing Zuo Tsinghua University Monodromy conjecture and related problems
Given Name Last Name Affiliation Lecture Title
Lars Andersson BIMSA Mode stability of Hermitian Instantons
Chenglong BAO YMSC Recent Computational Advances in Cryo-EM: Progress Toward Establishing a Data Cycle
Federico Bongiorno YMSC A stacky approach to linearisation of non-resonant vector fields
Matthew Burfitt BIMSA An inductive construction of path homology chains
Chi-Ming CHANG YMSC, Tsinghua University Cohomology Problems From Black Holes
Wengu Chen Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics Reconstruction of Signals and Images by Prior Information
Chun-Hao Hank Chen BIMSA A 3d topological-holomorphic integrable field theory and its derived Kac-Moody symmetry
Falai Chen University of Science and Technology of China Towards the Integration of CAD and CAE
Baoquan Chen Peking University Computer Graphics in the AI Age
Yitwah Cheung YMSC Natural extensions of Gauss map
Yihong Du University of New England (Australia) Precise estimate on the spreading behaviour of the nonlocal KPP equation with free boundary
Heng DU YMSC $p$-adic Hodge structures in geometric families and $F$-vector bundles
Yuping Duan Beijing Normal University Diffusion Probabilistic Model and its Applications
Yu-Wei Fan Tsinghua University Metric properties of stability spaces
Jiepeng Fang The University of Hong Kong Lie algebras arising from two-periodic projective complex and derived categories
Xin Fu BIMSA Path homology of digraphs without multisquares
Tadahisa Funaki BIMSA Interface motion and its fluctuation in interacting particle systems
Stavros Garoufalidis Southern University of Science and Technology, International Center for Mathematics The Habiro ring of a number field
Amirmasoud Geevechi BIMSA Adiabatic approximation of hyperbolic Abelian Higgs model in dimension $(1+3)$
Shubham Gupta YMSC Discrete rearrrangement inequalities
Xiaoli Han Tsinghua University The LYZ equation
Ge Hao Peking University Non-invasive Preimplantation Genetic Testing of Embryotic Genome in Spent Culture Medium
Guixiang Hong Institute for advanced Study in Mathematics of Harbin Institute of Technology An overview over noncommutative maximal inequalities
Chun Yin Hui The University of Hong Kong Monodromy and irreducibility of automorphic Galois representations
Zhi Jiang Fudan University Irregular surfaces of general type with minimal holomorphic Euler characteristic
Ben-Michael Kohli YMSC Improving the Seifert inequality for the genus of a knot using the Links-Gould invariant of links.
Krishnarjun Krishnamoorthy BIMSA On moments of non-normal number fields
Man-Chun Lee Chinese University of Hong Kong Ricci Flow smoothing on non-compact manifolds and application to pinching problem
Wenyuan Li University of Southern California Structural results for microlocal sheaves in symplectic geometry
Changzheng Li Sun Yat-sen University Mirror symmetry for certain blowup of Grassmannians
Wenjuan Li BIMSA The determinacy strength of $\omega$-languages recognized by variants of automata
Tiexiang Li Southeast University Fast Algorithm for 3D photonic crystal with Mixed Boundary Conditions
Qifeng Li Shandong University Geometric structures arising from minimal rational curves
Penghui Li Tsinghua YMSC Graded sheaves and categorification of $q$
Qirui Li Zhejiang University A class of optimal transportation problems on the sphere
Junbin Li Sun Yat-sen University Gravitational waves perturbations to perfect fluid naked singularities
Zhangli Lin Xiamen University The subgroups generated by simple holomorphic automorphisms of $(\mathbb{C}^*)^n$
Weinan Lin Shanghai Center for Mathematical Sciences, Fudan University The Last Kervaire Invariant Problem and Computer Programs for Spectral Sequences
Hui Liu School of Mathematics and Statistics, Wuhan University Proof of Hofer-Wysocki-Zehnder's two or infinity conjecture
Zhengwei Liu Tsinghua &BIMSA When analysis meets topology in quantum theory
Jian Lu School of Mathematical Sciences,Shenzhen University Nonlocal Low-rank Regularization based Models for Image Restoration
Ronald Lok Ming Lui Chinese University of Hongkong Computational Quasiconformal Geometry and Deep Learning
Cezar Lupu BIMSA Approximations by special values of the Riemann zeta function via cotangent integrals
Mengfan Lyu Western Sydney University Privacy-Preserving Auctions in Decentralized Systems: Leveraging Secure Multiparty Computation
Guorui Ma YMSC Low-Dimensional Tori in Calogero-Moser Systems
Xiankui Meng Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications On the restriction formula and its applications
Satoshi Nawata Fudan University Branes and DAHA representations
Wenhao Ou Chinese Academy of Sciences Orbifold modifications of complex analytic varieties
Feng Pan Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School Graph theory for exploration of material genes and structural chemistry of Li-ion battery
Theodoros Papazachariou YMSC $K-stability and Products of K-moduli spaces
Hongbing Qiu Wuhan University Bernstein type theorems of translating solitons in higher codimension and related problems
Guohuan Qiu Chinese Academy of Sciences A priori interior estimates for special Lagrangian curvature equations
Lingyun QIU YMSC Sediment Concentration Estimation via Multiscale Inverse Problem and Stochastic Homogenization
Sheng Rao Wuhan University Deformation limit and invariance of plurigenera of Moishezon manifolds
Zhaojin Rong Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Some mathematical problems in Space Sciences
Leonardo Santilli YMSC Sheaves on non-commutative resolutions of singular Calabi-Yau
Felix Schremmer The University of Hong Kong Towards a dimension formula for affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties
Yuguo Shao Tsinghua University Pauli path integral for simulating noisy variational quantum algorithm
Meiyue Shao Fudan University Some new developments on Householder orthogonalization
Dali Shen BIMSA Birational geometry of moduli spaces: a viewpoint from MMP singularities
Artan Sheshmani BIMSA (and jointly MIT IAiFi Institute) Tyurin degenerations, Relative Lagrangian foliations and categorification of DT invariants
Minjia Shi Anhui University Covering radius of generalized Zetterberg codes and Melas codes
Zuoqiang SHI Tsinghua University Surface reconstruction based on modified Gauss formula
Bin Shi SIMIS/Fudan On the Role of SGD Hyperparameters in Deep Learning Training
Wei SONG YMSC BMS invariant field theories
Qingtang Su Academy of Mathematics and System Sciences The nonlinear stability of the equilibrium in 2d water waves
Gaoming Wang YMSC Allard-Type Regularity for Varifolds with Prescribed Contact Angle
Qi Wang YMSC, Tsinghua University $\tau$-tilting theory and Hecke algebras
Chendi Wang Xiamen University Enhancing Privacy-Preserving Data Science: Advances in Foundation Models and the US Census
Zhiwei Wang Beijing Normal University Recent progress on the converse L^2 theory and applications
Hang Wang East China Normal University K-Theory and Representation of Groups
Jianchao Wu Shanghai Center for Mathematical Sciences, Fudan University Hilbert-Hadamard spaces and the equivariant coarse Novikov conjecture
Jie WU BIMSA Interaction complex and its applications to the topology of high-order interactions in complex systems
Chao Xia Xiamen University Capillary hypersurfaces, Heintze-Karcher's inequality and Zermelo’s navigation
Zhizhang Xie Taxes A & M University On Gromov’s dihedral extremality/rigidity conjecture of scalar curvature
Zhiqiang Xu Institute of Computational Mathematics and Scientific/Engineering Computing, The Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science Signal Recovery on an Algebraic Variety from Linear Samples
Lingda Xu The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Nonlinear stability threshold for compressible Couette flow
Wenjiao Yan Beijing Normal University Construction of complex structures and results related with $S^6$
Qijun Yan BIMSA On certain integral Frobenius period maps for Shimura varieties and their reductions
Ziquan Yang CUHK Crystalline Riemann-Hilbert Functors: Some Results and Open Questions
Fan YANG YMSC A random matrix model towards the quantum chaos transition conjecture
Zhuolun Yang Brown University Gradient estimates for the insulated conductivity problems
Lingfei Yi Shanghai Center for Math Sciences (Fudan) Slices in the loop spaces of symmetric varieties
Jun-Feng Yin Tongji University Adaptively Bregman-Kaczmarz methods for linear inverse problem
Jingyi Yu ShanghaiTech University 3D representations and how they affect AIGC
Chenglong YU YMSC Commensurability among Deligne-Mostow Monodromy Groups in PU(1,n)
Song Yu YMSC Integrality in open and closed Gromov-Witten theory
Hui Yu National University of Singapore Title:  Rigidity of global solutions to the thin obstacle problem
Wei Zeng School of Mathematics and Statistics, Xi'an Jiaotong University GMapLatent: Geometric Mapping, Optimal Transport and Generative Model
Liangdi Zhang BIMSA New curvature characterizations of spherical space forms and complex projective spaces
Zhiwen Zhang Department of Mathematics, The University of Hong Kong DeepParticle: learning invariant measure by a deep neural network minimizing Wasserstein distance on data generated from an interacting particle method.
Leihong Zhang Soochow University New perspectives on rational minimax approximation: dual theory and Lawson's iteration
Yuan Zhang Renmin University Vertex-removal stability and the least positive value of harmonic measures
Hui-Chun Zhang Sun Yat-sen University Boundary Regularity of harmonic maps between singular spaces
Xucheng Zhang YMSC On the moment measure conjecture
Lei Zhang YMSC Heat approximation to psh functions and applications to complex Monge-Amp\`ere equation in Orlicz space
Jingxuan Zhang Yau Mathematical Sciences Center, Tsinghua University Quasilocality in quantum many-body dynamics
Jianlu Zhang Chinese Academy of Sciences Selection principle of generalized Hamilton-Jacobi equations
Xi-Le Zhao School of Mathematical Science, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Continuous Modeling Perspective for Imaging Science
Roy Zhao YMSC Unlikely Intersection Problems and the Pila-Zannier Method
Xiaofei Zhao Wuhan University Some AI methods for solving the stationary and evolutionary problems
Zhennan Zhou Westlake University Fokker-Planck Equations of Neuron Networks:Numerical Simulation and Dilating the Blowup Solution
Zijun Zhou Shanghai Jiao Tong University 3d mirror symmetry and duality interface
Jiawei Zhou BIMSA Minimal Sullivan algebras and their realizations
Miaomiao Zhu Shanghai Jiao Tong University Min-max theory and existence of H-spheres with arbitrary codimensions
Jialiang Zou Univ of Michigan Geometry of theta correspondence between principle series over finite fields
Given Name Last Name Affiliation Lecture Title
Given Name Last Name Affiliation Lecture Title
Xinliang An National University of Singapore How to Make a Black Hole
Juncheng Wei Chinese University of Hong Kong Finite Morse Index Solutions of Allen-Cahn on Riemannian Surfaces: Bouncing Jacobi Fields and Multiplicity
Jiang Yang Southern University of Science and Technology Structure preserving numerical methods for gradient flows
Given Name Last Name Affiliation Lecture Title
Yuhao Cheng Qiuzhen College, Tsinghua University
Xintong Jiang Qiuzhen College, Tsinghua University
Ningyuan Yang Fudan University
Given Name Last Name Affiliation Lecture Title
Ziang Chen Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Luke Conners University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Yu Fu California Institute of Technology
Chao-Ming Lin The Ohio State University
Xinchen Miao University of Bonn
Nian Shao Institute of Mathematics, EPFL
Baojun Wu BICMR
Lingfu Zhang California Institute of Technology
Weinan Zhang University of Hong Kong
Robin Zhang Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Shuang Zhao Capital Normal University
锦鹏 清华大学